Dear All,
I hope that you all had a good Christmas and are keeping well.
As we are in Tier 4 ALL dancing schools are closed which means that we will have to start next term with all the classes being on Zoom. This was not how I was hoping to start the new year but unfortunately we are all in the same boat. Because of this, the fees will be discounted for next term with January being charged at a “reduced Zoom rate” and February onwards at the usual studio rate. If we return to the studios in January the fees will not be affected but if we have to “dip in and out” of Zoom at various times, the Zoom rate will apply and be credited to your fees for the Summer term. Please see the new discounted amounts due below.I wanted to say just how pleased I was by the attendance of so many of you at the Zoom classes in November and also how hard everyone worked. It was lovely seeing when we went back into the Studio in December students remembering different exercises that they had learnt on Zoom especially the younger children. When we start back in January, we shall be working on the set dances, amalgamations and enchainments in each class – these are all required in the exams and performed individually. Therefore, it is important to attend these classes. It doesn’t matter just how much or little space you have to dance in, being able to learn the steps and the order that you do them in is the main thing. I will be sending out the new sign in details for all the Zoom classes over the next few days and as before, they will stay the same each week.
Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy New Year.
Miss Laura.